Thursday, May 9, 2013

Ares Blog Magazine Newspaper Template

Ares Blog Magazine Newspaper Template  - News / Editorial Blog / Magazine

Ares is The Clean Magazine, News and Blog Template built with latest Wordpress features.



= V1.0 - 30.11.2011 =
* Initial Release

= V1.1 - 09.12.2011 =
* Fix blog post display incorrect when category is empty

= V1.2 - 20.12.2011 =
* Fix text widget space issue with Google Adsense code

= V1.3 - 28.12.2011 =
* Fix text widget not displaying
* Optimize contact form mailing code

= V1.4 - 03.01.2012 =
* Fix 2 columns caption not properly closed

= V1.5 - 07.03.2012 =
* Add responsive design layout
* Fix bullet point display issue

= V1.5.1 - 10.04.2012 =
* Fix bug responsive design not activated on mobile devices

= V1.5.2 - 19.04.2012 =
* Fix bug post content image display in mobile devices

= V1.5.3 - 29.04.2012 =
* Fix contact form issue

= V1.5.4 - 08.05.2012 =
* Fix missing default blog layout setting

= V1.5.5 - 25.05.2012 =
* Fix comment link doesn't work on homepage

= V1.6 - 14.06.2012 =
* Fix gallery uploader issue on Wordpress 3.4

= V1.7 - 18.10.2012 =
* Fix twitter follower counter issue due to new version of Twitter API

= V1.8 - 25.10.2012 =
* Fix feedburner issue

= V1.9 - 09.11.2012 =
* Fix default avatar not working on comments page

= V2.0 - 12.12.2012 =
* Fix issue on Wordpress 3.5
* Improve gallery uploader user interface

= V2.1 - 20.12.2012 =
* Change feed burner subscribers to Facebook fans counter

= V2.1.1 - 10.01.2013 =
* Fix page with sidebar social counter issue


  • Featured Posts Slider

  • 6 Menus and Skins

  • Unlimited Colors (using built-in color picker)

  • 8 Custom Widgets

  • Custom Menu support for pages and categories

  • Page styles ex. full with, with sidebar

  • Styled typography and flexible page columns

  • Built-in Related posts feature

  • Translation Ready

  • Social media profiles Support

  • Style shortcodes ex. image frame, dropcap etc.

  • Column shortcodes ex. 2, 3, 4 columns

  • Wordpress featured image support for post

  • Unlimited sidebar. Create and select sidebar for each of your page!

  • Contact us page with validation and ready to use PHP mailer

  • Unobtrusive jQuery powered effects

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